Wednesday, August 31, 2016

SYMPHONY H120 Officeil Firmware 100 Tested

SYMPHONY H120 Officeil Firmware 100 Tested



H120_XXX_V10 (minor bug fixing)

Available link for download

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Download iTEl iT5610 FlashFile Firmware

Download iTEl iT5610 FlashFile Firmware

Download iTel iT5610 FlashFile Firmware

This File is For iT5610 Only
Flash this device Using Miracle Box Learn below

iTEL 5610 Specs
Battery: Up to 10h to 100h
Bluetooth: Yes
Brand: itel
Condition: New
Contract: Without contract
Expandable Memory: Yes
Hotspot: Yes
Megapixels: Less than 3.0 MP
Model: it5610
Radio: No
RAM: 512 MB & Below
Sim Type: Mini SIM (Standard SIM)
Web connection: 2G
Weight: 0.10 kg
Wi-Fi: Yes

iTEL iT5610 FlashFile
Download Now

LEARN HOW TO FLASH ..How to flash iTel Feature Phones with .bin file using Miracle Box below >>>
Launch Miracle Box Download From here
Click on SPD tab
Tick Write
Under Choose type, Select the chip of the device you want to flash
Click the small yellow folder
Navigate to the ROM/Firmware folder and select the bin file
Click Start button
You will see Scanning USB Serial port...
Connect device to PC while holding boot key (volume up or volume down)
Miracle will detect the phone and start flashing process
When you see Done! Flashing process is complete
Disconnect and boot up phone

Available link for download

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Kata kata terindah buat sang mantan

Kata kata terindah buat sang mantan

Kalau kamu jadi aku,mungkin kamu bakalan merasakan sakit yang luar biasa seperti yang ku rasakan saat ini

ketika aku tersakiti tetapi aku tetap tersenyum padamu. Ketahuilah hatiku menangis

Airmata tidak melemahkanku. Ia hanya mengalir dipipiku untuk mengatakan bahwa aku kuat dan pasti bisa bertahan

Andaikan saja kamu mengerti dan menyadari bahwa cinta ini begitu tulus untukmu, pasti semuanya akan baik-baik saja

Aku tidak pernah bilang aku marah, aku hanya ingin kamu peka dengan membaca semua perubahan sikapku padamu

Ada saatnya aku berhenti mencintaimu, yaitu disaat aku mulai lelah dimana kamu tak pernah melihat ku ada. Disaat itu aku akan pergi

Waktu bisa aja ngilangin luka hati aku, tapi ga buat bekas luka itu

Aku bisa saja lelah mempertahankanmu, bila tak juga kamu sadar akan tulusnya cintaku ini.

Seiring berjalannya waktu, akhirnya dengan keikhlasan aku mampu melepaskanmu

Ada waktunya kamu ngerti dan paham gimana sayang aku kekamu. Dan saat itu kamu akan merasa kehilangan aku.

Hati ini terlalu sakit untuk berpura-pura tersenyum di depanmu

Tak ada alasan untuk membencimu, namun aku akan belajar merelakanmu agar sakitku tak lebih lama

Kepercayaan sangatlah berharga, sayangnya kamu sia-siakan kepercayaanku untukmu

Aku hanya ingin menjadi seseorang yang kamu pahami, sayangi, juga kamu cintai. Bukan kamu abaikan

terimakasih karena kehadiranmu telah menguatkan aku disaat hatiku sangat rapuh

Ijinkan aku untuk mengeluh akan keadaan ini untuk saat ini , aku janji, ketika esok kubuka mataku aku takkan lagi meneteskan airmataku

aku ingin bahagia , aku melepas semua yang buatku terluka , termasuk kamu . meski ku akui aku sangat menyayangimu.

Aku memberimu kebebasan dengan harapan kamu bisa lebih menghargaiku

Sebenarnya kamu yg membuatku menangis tapi ntah kenapa hanya dgn memikirkanmu tangiskupun berhenti ..

Aku lebih suka menyendiri di waktu sedih. Dibanding harus berpura-pura tertawa di sebuah keramaian ..

masih dalam hati kecilku, aku masih merindukanmu

Hati yg tulus mencinta, takkan lelah tuk bertahan, takkan menyerah tuk berjuang

Aku memberimu kebebasan dengan harapan kamu bisa lebih menghargaiku

ketika aku menangis karenamu, hanya kamu pula yg dapat menghapus air mataku dan mengembalikan senyumku lagi

dulu kamu alasanku berbahagia , sekarang kamu alasan di balik setiap tetes airmataku

apa kamu peduli berapa butir air mata yg mengalir di pipiku ,hanya untuk menahan rasa sakit ini

terimakasih tlah meninggalkanku, krna darimu aku belajar menjadi orang yang tegar dan tanpamu ternyata aku bisa lebih baik

Sebuah senyuman dapat menyembunyikan begitu banyak rasa sakit.

aku tak berharap banyak, tak berharap kamu menyesal. hanya berharap kamu kan menyadari tulusnya cintaku.

Aku iri dengan mereka yang slalu mampu menikmati senyum dan tawamu

Aku tetap merindukanmu meskipun aku tau kamu takkan pernah memperdulikan rinduku ini

Cinta dan kasih sayangmu yg tulus yg membuat aku mampu lebih menyanyangimu dgn setulus hatiku

Kamu memang ga bisa rasain rasanya jdi aku, tapi nanti kamu bisa rasain rasanya ditinggal aku

meningalkanmu bukan karena tak mencintimu, tapi untuk kebaikanmu.

hal yang paling aku takutkan adalah saat kamu berhenti menghubungiku, menghilang, dan seolah tidak pernah ada di kehidupanku

jujur, aku kangen sama kamu yang dulu. aku sakit sama sikap kamu yang sekarang. apa karna rasa sayang kamu sama aku udah pudar ya ?

Aku lebih suka menyendiri di waktu sedih. Dibanding harus berpura-pura tertawa di sebuah keramaian .

aku sedih, sakit, kecewa, nangis. tapi kamu tau dan peduli ga ? tapi aku akan berusaha selalu tersenyum. sakit memang, tapi aku bisa kok

kamu tau ? ada kecewa dibalik senyumanku, dan ada airmata dibalik tawaku padamu

aku ga akan selamanya bisa sabar dan mampu bertahan, aku juga bakalan ngerasain lelah jika kamu terus mengabaikanku

tukeran posisi yuk, kmu jadi orang yg memperjuangkan, aku jadi yg menyia-nyiakan, supaya kamu tau memperjuangkan tapi disia-siakan itu sakit

aku bisa lebih baik dari yang kamu inginkan, bisa lebih jahat dari yang kamu bayangkan. sekarang tergantung kamu mau yang mana

aku itu khawatir kalau kamu lagi gada kabar, khawatir kamunya kenapa-kenapa, khawatir kamunya macem2 dan aku khawatir kamu lupa sama aku

Aku tidak ingin kita berakhir bahagia, aku ingin kita bahagia tanpa akhir, selamanya

aku hanya akan melepasmu jika ada seseorang yang lebih sabar menyayangimu lebih dari aku

aku bisa menjauh darimu, namun melupakanmu aku tak mampu

aku ingin kamu mengerti. Jangan hanya aku yang kamu tuntut untuk mengerti perasaanmu

aku tak mampu mengerti keputusan mu yang sangat menyakitkan ini

kamu pernah sangat berharga di hidupku, hingga ku temukan diriku terus terluka karenamu

sungguh aku lelah, perih, sakit dengan perasaan ini. aku ingin perasaan ini secepatnya hilang dari hatiku

ketika aku tersakiti tetapi aku tetap tersenyum padamu. Ketahuilah hatiku menangis

jika kamu tulus mncintaiku jangan pernah menghiasi wajahku dengan air mata , telingaku dengan dusta dan hatiku dgn luka

aku merasa berarti saat apa yg kamu rasa, apa yg kamu lewati, semua kamu bagi denganku

Semoga kelak kamu akan menyadari seberapa tulusnya hatiku utkmu , tp mungkin kamu udah kehilangannya

yang aku harapkan saat ini adalah bahagia dalam pelukanmu

terimakasih karena kehadiranmu telah menguatkan aku disaat hatiku sangat rapuh

Suatu saat kamu akan mengerti arti dari kecemburuan, amarah dan air mataku

kamu ga sempurna, tapi kamu slalu bisa buatku bahagia dgn cara yg sederhana

aku selalu memikirkanmu, merindukanmu, bahkan menyayangimu dalam diamku

Aku sadar belum sepenuhnya bisa mengerti kamu , tapi aku akan slalu berusaha untuk menjadi orang yg slalu tulus menyayangimu

Iya, aku sayang kamu. Iya, aku takut kehilangan kamu. Iya, aku ingin kamu merasakan hal yang sama denganku

baru kemarin kamu bilang takut kehilangan aku, tapi sekarang kamu meninggalkan aku . sungguh perih hati ini

aku selalu berusaha mengerti, tp ada saatnya juga aku ingin dimengerti

kamu pernah sangat berharga di hidupku, hingga ku temukan diriku terus terluka karenamu

Aku tak pernah berenti mencintaimu, aku hanya berhenti menunjukkannya

Tanpa sadar aku teteskan airmata , bukti bahwa betapa aku sangat merindukanmu

aku mempercayai cintamu , dengan lebih mencintaimu. aku mempercayai kesetiaanmu, dengan setia padamu

Rasanya begitu sempurna saat hari2 itu kulewati bersamamu

Kamu adalah alasan mengapa aku bisa terseyum dan terkadang kamu juga menjadi alasan mengapa aku bisa menangis

jangan hanya bisa tertawa bersamaku , namun bisakah kamu membuatku tertawa saat airmataku jatuh ??

meningalkanmu bukan karena tak mencintimu, tapi untuk kebaikanmu.

aku ingin kamu mengerti. Jangan hanya aku yang kamu tuntut untuk mengerti perasaanmu

Tak pernah ku menduga,pertemuan singkat ini membuatku jatuh cinta

kamu pernah sangat berharga di hidupku, hingga ku temukan diriku terus terluka karenamu

Ada jutaan sosok didunia ini, tapi entah mengapa hanya dirimu yg menjadi pilihan hatiku

yg aku mau nanti bukan pembalasan, tapi hanya kesadaranmu bahwa aku yg terbaik dan penyesalanmu telah dngan mudahnya mlepaskanku

aku mau kamu jadi alasan dibalik senyumanku, bukan menjadi alasan dibalik setiap tangisanku

aku selalu berusaha mengerti, tp ada saatnya juga aku ingin dimengerti

aku meminta maaf bukan karna aku salah tapi karna aku lebih menghrgai kamu dan hubungan kita drpada keegoisanku

Aku memberimu kebebasan dengan harapan kamu bisa lebih menghargaiku

Hal paling menyedihkan dalam hidupku ketika aku terbangun dengan kenyataan harus melepaskanmu

tawaku karena kamu. ceriaku karena kamu. senyumku karena kamu. kamu adalah alasan dari setiap kebahagiaanku

selalu kuselipkan namamu dalam setiap doa yang kupanjatkan kepada Tuhan

aku berharap gak ada lagi "dia" dalam kehidupan kita

aku ingin kamu mengerti. Jangan hanya aku yang kamu tuntut untuk mengerti perasaanmu

Tak pernah ku menduga,pertemuan singkat ini membuatku jatuh cinta

entah apa yang ada dibalik senyumanmu , setiap aku melihatnya , aku merasa bahagia

aku mau sosokmu bukan sebagai penggantinya. tapi sosok terakhir untukku..

Aku mencintaimu dengan caraku , maaf jika ini bukan maumu

yg aku mau nanti bukan pembalasan, tapi hanya kesadaranmu bahwa aku yg terbaik dan penyesalanmu telah dngan mudahnya mlepaskanku

Ada jutaan sosok didunia ini, tapi entah mengapa hanya dirimu yg menjadi pilihan hatiku

aku mau kamu jadi alasan dibalik senyumanku, bukan menjadi alasan dibalik setiap tangisanku

aku selalu berusaha mengerti, tp ada saatnya juga aku ingin dimengerti

aku meminta maaf bukan karna aku salah tapi karna aku lebih menghrgai kamu dan hubungan kita drpada keegoisanku

Aku memberimu kebebasan dengan harapan kamu bisa lebih menghargaiku

Walau hadirmu hanya sesaat, namun kamu mengingatkan aku bagaimana caranya untuk kembali tersenyum

Kamu adalah alasan mengapa aku bisa terseyum dan terkadang kamu juga menjadi alasan mengapa aku bisa menangis

Karna aku begitu rapuh , airmata terlalu mudah mengalir dipipiku ..

jangan hanya bisa tertawa bersamaku , namun bisakah kamu membuatku tertawa saat airmataku jatuh ??

Semoga kelak kamu akan menyadari seberapa tulusnya hatiku utkmu , tp mungkin kamu udah kehilangannya.

Available link for download

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Infinity Chinese Miracle 2 MTK Mediatek v1 46 Latest Update

Infinity Chinese Miracle 2 MTK Mediatek v1 46 Latest Update

Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/Mediatek v1.46 - LG E-series support and more features

Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/Mediatek v1.46 Latesr Version Update

- Main
Core update for support lates v1612 loaders
Flash ID database updates
Definition base updated and revised
- LG E-series support
Activated support for 16 models from E-series :
E440, E440F, E440G, E440J, E445, E450, E450B, E450F, E450G, E450J, E451G, E455, E455F, E455G, E460F, E460
Supported wide range of service, unlock, repair and forensic operations:
Read full info (with extended info)
FlashDump Read / Write
NVRAM Read / Write
Security Read / Write
UserLocks Reset without data lost
PatternLock Reading
HW test - RAM, eMMC, Battery
Security repair - IMEI1, IMEI2, WiFi-MAC, BT-MAC
SP unlock (Unlock Code Reading)
Format FileSystem
Repair ExtData
Flash Erase
Fix Unknown BaseBand
Init Preloader
Forensic: PhoneBook extraction
Forensic: User Gallery (Photo / Video) extraction
- FW Read Engine Revised
New types supported
Brand-Specific improvements
Files verification improved
- Other
LG connection revised
MT6575/MT6577 DRAM init enabled for service operations
eMMC RO test revised for old platforms
Flash ID database updated
DRAM init complete rebuild (MT67xx and MT65xx series)
Repartition Tool updated ( Regions calculation for some 87xx and 81xx models has been fixed )
Some other bugfixes and improvements

Download link

New method to upload firmware files to support area - Flash Files Database - iosFileUploader

New method to download firmware files from support area - Flash Files Torrent system

Infinity-Box 11 (eleven) years (2005 - 2016) updates and support as nobody else - Infinity-Box - News

Unlock Codes (Huawei, SE, Motorola, Samsung etc.), iPhone Unlock, Software Activations - Infinity-Box Online Service

Available link for download

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SYMPHONY M1 1000 Tested Official Firmware

SYMPHONY M1 1000 Tested Official Firmware

SYMPHONY M1 1000% Tested Official Firmware Free
SYMPHONY M1 Mtk6582 Scatter Flash File Full Tested Free
SYMPHONY M1 Factory Flash File Update-Verson 
SYMPHONY M1 Official Firmware 100% Tested
SYMPHONY M1  Flash File
SYMPHONY M1 Flsah File No Dead Risk 100% Tested
>>Full Tested Free<
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SYMPHONY M1 No Dead Risk 100% Tested 
SYMPHONY M1 Mtk6582 Scatter Flash File 100% Tested

Download Link

Available link for download

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Tutorial Flashing Samsung Galaxy Grand Neo I9060

Tutorial Flashing Samsung Galaxy Grand Neo I9060

Tutorial / Cara Flashing Samsung Samsung Galaxy Grand Neo I9060. karena kendala Matot Brick, Bootloop Virusan, aplikasi force close, kesalahan download, aplikasi error, touchscreen tidak sensitif, memory internal virusan, loading bootloop berulang-ulang, hingga mati total bisa dilakukan flash update firmware selama HH masih bisa terdeteksi di driver computer. atau anda juga bisa melakukan Factory Reset Samsung Galaxy Grand Neo I9060 dengan cara menekan tiga kombinasi tombol HH. pada saat posisi hp off tekan dan tahan tombol Vol Up+Home+Power hingga muncul gambar robot android. lalu lakukan wipe user data. wipe cahce dan reboot. tapi kadang ini tidak cukup membantu HH juga butuh di program ulang.

  • Berikut alat flash yang harus di download sebelum melakukan Flash update :
  1. Usb driver disini atau samsung kies disini
  2. Odin v3 disini
  3. Firmware Galaxy Samsung Galaxy Grand Neo I9060 disini

Jika Alat tempur siap, ikuti panduan ini dengan benar :

  1. Install Usb Driver samsung atau samsung kies di Computer kamu.
  2. Extrack firmware win rar archive Samsung Galaxy Grand Neo I9060 dengan win rar hingga ada file .md5
  3. Matikan galaxy kamu. tekan dan tahan tombol Vol bawah+Home+Power hingga muncul download mode
  4. Pilih lanjutkan dengan menekan volume atas
  5. Sambungkan Hp ke computer dengan kabel Usb
  6. Buka odin V.3 dan lihat apakah di kolom ID:COM berwarna biru jika belum  bewarna biru ulangi langkahnya dari no 3
  7. Jika ID:COM sudah berwarna biru berarti sudah siap ke tahap proses Flash
  8. Klik PDA / AP pada odin dan arahkan file firmware yang di Extrack tadi lalu pilih I9060XXXopoikiXXX.md5 <---- Nama file extrack
  9. Tunggu sebentar hingga odin success menyiapkan file firmware
  10. Klik START di Odin Tunggu sampai proses selesai (PASSGalaxy inti restart otomatisselesai

Untuk Tutorial lengkap bisa di lihat disini : Flashing Samsung Mengunakan Odin3

Available link for download

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Root Xiaomi Mi4i Without PC Easily

Root Xiaomi Mi4i Without PC Easily

Root Xiaomi Mi4i Without PC Easily
AnyIndo – In this article we are going to share an article it is Root Xiaomi Mi4i Without PC Easily. After we created the other articles, in this chance we would like to help you who need an article to root Xiaomi Mi4i. What’s cool in this tutorial, you don’t need to prepare PC / Laptop because we will use another method to root.

If you visit this site and read this article, it means you understand all definition about rooting all the consequence. If so, we will continue to  focus in this tutorial.


  • To make it safe, back up full ROM you have.
  • Make sure your device has more than 50% power, because this process takes longer time to root.
  • You can download ROM Mi4i that we have uploaded. Remember, if you download it via PC you need to save it in internal memory of your Mi4i.


ROM Miui v6 – Download


  • Open Updater application, and choose Reboot to Recovery Mode, by doing this means go to recovery mode.
  • In this mode, your touchscreen is not useful, you have to use ‘’volume up and down button’’ to navigate, and power button to select.
  • In the first menu, you will see language menu, choose English.
  • After that choose wipe and reset and wipe cache.
  • Install ROM you have downloaded above, it is click on install zip system one.
  • After this step, just wait, usually it takes a little bit time or more. It will reboot automatically.
  • If reboot process is completed, you can open Security application, and then choose permission.
  • Enable root on your Xiaomi Mi4i.
  • Done.

That’s all about Root Xiaomi Mi4i Without PC Easily. If you have any question related to this article, you cane leave comment bellow. If we are not busy, we will reply it as soon as possible.

Available link for download

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REMOVE LOCK ON SONY XPERIA All Sony Xperia Password Remover

REMOVE LOCK ON SONY XPERIA All Sony Xperia Password Remover

This a Tutorial on How To Remove lock On Sony Xperia - SONY XPERIA LOCK REMOVE FILES

Are you trying to WIPE / FACTORY RESET or remove PASSWORD, PIN, PATTERN, GMAIL LOCK on Sony Xperia This another easy tutorial for You.

You might also like
Download Full Sony Xperia firmware from here
Learn how to flash sony xperia from here


Install sony xperia flash tool
Install the drivers you can find the drivers in this directory C:Flashtooldrivers Flashtool-drivers.exe
Copy your model lock remove file.ftf to C:Flashtoolfirmwares picture below

Open flash tool from C:Flashtool FlashTool.exe

This Collection of Sony Xperia lock remove files C1504_Xperia E
C1505_Xperia E
C1604_Xperia E Dual
C1605_Xperia E Dual
C1904 _Xperia M
C2004_Xperia M Dual
C2005_Xperia M Dual
C2104_Xperia L
C2105_Xperia L
C2305_Xperia C HSPA+
C5302_Xperia SP HSPA+
C5303_Xperia SP LTE
C5306_Xperia SP LTE
C5502 xperia zr lock remove
C5502_Xperia ZR HSPA+
C5503_Xperia ZR LTE
C6502_Xperia ZL HSPA+
C6503_Xperia Z2 LTE-A
C6506_Xperia ZL LTE
C6602_Xperia Z HSPA+
C6603_Xperia Z LTE
C6606_Xperia Z LTE
C6616_Xperia Z LTE
C6802_Xperia Ultra HSPA+
C6806_Xperia Ultra LTE
C6833_Xperia Ultra LTE
C6833_Xperia Z Ultra LTE
C6843_Xperia Ultra LTE
C6902_Xperia Z1 HSPA+
C6903_Xperia Z1 LTE
C6906_Xperia Z1 LTE
C6916_Xperia Z1S LTE
C6916_Xperia Z1s LTE-A
C6943_Xperia Z1
L39t_Xperia Z1 TD-LTE
LT18i lock remove
LT22i lock remove
LT26i lock remove
LT29i lock remove
Xperia C3 Dual D2502_19.2.A.0.391
Xperia C5 Ultra Dual E5533,E5563
Xperia M5 Dual E5633,E5663E,E5643
Xperia M5 E5603,E5653,E5606
Xperia Z5 Dual E6633,E6683
Xperia Z5 E6603,E6653
Xperia Z5 Compact E5803,E5823
Xperia E4 Dual E2115
Xperia E4 Dual E2124
Xperia E4 E2104
Xperia E4g E2043
Xperia E4g E2033
W8 Walkman E16i_2.1.1.A.0
WT19a Walkman_4.1.B.0.587_lock remove
WT19i Walkman_4.1.B.0.587_lock remove
Xperia E3 Dual D2212_18.4.B.1.20_lock remove
Xperia X10a_3.0.1.G.0.75_lock remove
Xperia C C2305_16.0.B.2.16_lock remove
Xperia E C1504_11.3.A.2.33_lock remove
Xperia E Dual C1604_11.3.A.2.1_lock remove
Xperia E1 D2005_20.1.A.2.13_lock remove
Xperia E1 Dual D2105_20.1.B.0.64_lock remove
Xperia J ST26i_11.2.A.0.31_lock remove
Xperia L C2104_15.3.A.1.17_lock remove
Xperia L C2105_15.3.A.1.17_lock remove
Xperia M C1904_15.4.A.1.9_lock remove
Xperia M C1905_15.4.A.1.9_lock remove
Xperia M Dual C2004_15.5.A.1.5_lock remove
Xperia M Dual C2005_15.5.A.1.5_lock remove
Xperia M2 Aqua LTE-A D2403_18.3.C.0.37_lock remove
Xperia M2 Dual D2302_18.3.B.0.31_lock remove
Xperia Neo MT11i_4.1.B.0.587_lock remove
Xperia P LT22i_6.2.A.1.100_lock remove
Xperia play R800i_4.0.2.A.0.62_lock remove
Xperia Ray ST18i_4.1.B.0.587_lock remove
Xperia SL LT26ii_6.2.B.1.96_lock remove
Xperia SP C5303_12.1.A.1.205_lock remove
Xperia T LT30p_9.2.A.1.199_lock remove
Xperia T2 Ultra Dual D5322_19.1.1.C.0.56_lock remove
Xperia Tipo ST21i_11.0.A.4.22_lock remove
Xperia U ST25i_6.1.1.B.1.10_lock remove
Xperia V LT25i_9.2.A.2.5_lock remove
Xperia X8 E15i_2.1.1.A.0.6_lock remove
Xperia X8 E15a_2.1.1.A.0.6_lock remove
Xperia X10 Mini E10a_2.1.1.A.0.6_lock remove
Xperia X10 Mini E10i_2.1.1.A.0.6_lock remove
Xperia X10 mini pro U20a_2.1.1.A.0.6_lock remove
Xperia X10 mini pro U20i_2.1.1.A.0.6_lock
Xperia X10i_3.0.1.G.0.75_lock remove
Xperia Z C6602_5.1.A.0.283_lock remove
Xperia Z LTE C6603_10.5.1.A.0.283_lock remove
Xperia Z1 C6903_14.4.A.0.108_lock remove
Xperia Z1 Compact LTE-A D5503_14.4.A.0.108_lock remove
Xperia Z3 Compact LTE-A D5803_23.0.A.2.93_lock remove
Z1 C6602_4.3_lock remove
Xperia C4 Single sim E5303, E5306, E5353
Xperia C4 Dual E5333, E5343, E5363
Xperia M4 Aqua Dual E2333, E2363_16GB
Xperia M4 Aqua E2303, E2353_8GB
Xperia M4 Aqua E2306_16 GB
Sony Xperia M4 Aqua Dual E2333 Xperia E4 E2104 24.0.A.5.14_R4A 
2015 & 2016 Model 
Use Latest Version Flash Tool (
Xperia E4 Dual E2115 lock remove.ftf
Xperia E4 Dual E2124 lock remove.ftf
Xperia C4 Single sim E5303, E5306, E5353 lock remove.ftf
Xperia C4 Dual E5333, E5343, E5363 lock remove.ftf
Xperia M4 Aqua Dual E2333, E2363_16GB lock remove.ftf
Xperia M4 Aqua E2303, E2353_8GB lock remove.ftf
Xperia M4 Aqua E2306_16 GB lock remove.ftf
Xperia Z5 Compact E5803,E5823 lock remove.ftf
Xperia C5 Ultra Dual E5533,E5563 lock remove.ftf
Xperia M5 Dual E5633,E5663E,E5643 lock remove.ftf
Xperia M5 E5603,E5653,E5606 lock remove.ftf
Xperia E4 E2104 lock remove.ftf
Xperia E4g E2043 lock remove.ftf
Xperia E4g E2033 lock remove.ftf
Xperia Z5 Dual E6633,E6683 lock remove.ftf
Xperia Z5 E6603,E6653 lock remove.ftf
You can Get this files one BY one from here
   Download all @ a Time From here  1+GB

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How To Unlock Alcatel One Touch 5038A

How To Unlock Alcatel One Touch 5038A

Heres How To Unlock Alcatel One Touch 5038A.Just Follow this instructions below.

1.Enable USB Debug On Developer Option,,, If No Developer Click 7 Times Build Number

2.Power Off Phone

3.Open Android MTK Tool

4.Click Unlocking Tab

5.Select Alcatel And Device Model

6.The Press Direct Unlock

7.Insert USB To Phone Then Press Power 5 to 7 Second Install Driver If Needed..

8. Wait Unlock Done..

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Download Tecno W4 Stock Rom

Download Tecno W4 Stock Rom

Learn How To Flash This Device Here



» Android 6.0 latest operating system
» 3G and 4G connectivity
» 5.0 High Definition Screen Display
» Dual Micro sim card
» Wide angle camera with Beautification effect
» Quad-core 1.3 GHz
» 8MP back camera and 2MP front camera, amazing for selfies
» Internal memory of 16gb (Expandable to 64gb) and 1gb of ram speed
» 2500mah long lasting 48hours use battery.

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Download iTEl iT5020 FlashFile Stock Rom

Download iTEl iT5020 FlashFile Stock Rom

Download iTEl iT5020 FlashFile / Firmware
Learn how to flash iTEl iT5020 Using reseachdownload From here
This file is two in one .BIN & .PAC flash any of the two 

iTEl iT5020 Quick Specs
Model Network Band
it5020 GSM/GPRS GSM900/DCS1800MHz

Dimension Display Resolution

118*51.8*14.2mm 2.4” screen 240*320

Camera Memory Messaging & SNS

Back 2.0MP 64Mb + 64Mb

Micro SD Card 32GB Facebook,Palmchat

Connectivity Battery Capacity

Bluetooth/USB port/Earphone

iTEL iT5020-G183    
This file is two in one .Bin  &  .Pac
Chips SC6531
Download Now

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Tutorial Flash Samsung Galaxy Note 2 GT N7100 Kitkat

Tutorial Flash Samsung Galaxy Note 2 GT N7100 Kitkat

Tutorial Flashing Samsung Galaxy Note 2 GT-N7100 menggunakan Odin Flasher karena kendala seperti Matot HardBrick, Bootloop Virusan, aplikasi force close, kesalahan download, aplikasi error, touchscreen tidak sensitif, memory internal virusan, loading bootloop berulang-ulang, hingga mati total bisa dilakukan flash update firmware selama HH masih bisa terdeteksi di driver computer. atau anda juga bisa melakukan Factory Reset Galaxy Note 2 GT-N7100 dengan cara menekan tiga kombinasi tombol HH. pada saat posisi hp off tekan dan tahan tombol Vol Up+Home+Power hingga muncul gambar robot android. lalu lakukan wipe user data. wipe cahce dan reboot. tapi kadang ini tidak cukup membantu HH juga butuh di program ulang.

  • Berikut alat flash yang harus di download sebelum melakukan Flash update :
  1. Usb driver Download atau samsung kies Download
  2. Odin v3 Download
  3. Firmware Samsung Galaxy Note 2 GT-N7100 Download

Jika Alat tempur siap, ikuti panduan ini dengan benar :

  1. Install Usb Driver samsung atau samsung kies di Computer kamu.
  2. Extrack firmware win rar archive Note 2 GT-N7100 dengan win rar hingga ada file .md5
  3. Matikan galaxy kamu. tekan dan tahan tombol Vol bawah+Home+Power hingga muncul download mode
  4. Pilih lanjutkan dengan menekan volume atas
  5. Sambungkan Hp ke computer dengan kabel Usb
  6. Buka odin V.3 dan lihat apakah di kolom ID:COM berwarna biru jika belum  bewarna biru ulangi langkahnya dari no 3
  7. Jika ID:COM sudah berwarna biru berarti sudah siap ke tahap proses Flash
  8. Klik PDA / AP pada odin dan arahkan file firmware yang di Extrack tadi lalu pilih N7100XXXopoikiXXX.md5 <---- Nama file extrack
  9. Tunggu sebentar hingga odin success menyiapkan file firmware
  10. Klik START di Odin Tunggu sampai proses selesai (PASSGalaxy inti restart otomatisselesai

Untuk Tutorial lengkap bisa di lihat disini : Flashing Samsung Mengunakan Odin3

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Infinix Is Launching A Pair Of Earphones, And A Smartwatch-Bluetooth Headset Hybrid Called Xband

Infinix will not be ignored as the Apple, Samsung and the other mobile titans are venturing into wearables. To show they can rub shoulders with the big boys, they’ve just launched a smartwatch (or smart bracelet as they call it) called the Xband. At first glance, the most interesting thing about this accessory is that that you can detach what’s supposed to be the watch face, and use it as a bluetooth headset instead. A transformer, of sorts.

Like (m)any fitness watch(es), it works best as an appendage to your phone. It also monitors the usual metrics like steps, distance, estimated calories burnt, allows you set and share goals on social media and lasts 7 hours (they said). It has an IP Code of IP55. To break that down, it means it’s almost completely dust-resistant (the first 5), and it can withstand a jet of water sprayed at it from any direction for up to 3 minutes (the second 5) without getting damaged. Should you choose to buy it, I shouldn’t have to (but I feel like I need to) say, don’t try this at home.

I haven’t gotten a chance to actually use the Xband. At least, not yet, and Infinix hasn’t said how much it will cost, but my estimation is in the early twenties. Infinix was smart to not tie the Xband to their own smartphones, so anyone with an Android device can purchase and use the “smart bracelet” through the Xband app I just found on the Play Store.

Second on their list is a pair of noise cancelling headphones called the XEo2. It’s the second in the series, and Infinix says it promises “an automatic noise cancellation quality (IC) of 95%”. None of that matters until you actually use it, so I’m going to hold my tongue. For now.


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Cherry Mobile Garnet V3 Firmware Download Link

Cherry Mobile Garnet V3 Firmware Download Link

You need this firmware/stock rom if you have encountered this kind of problem in your phone.Listed Below

1.Hang in logo
4.Dead Phone But detected in PC

Some firmware files may be zipped. Please use either WinRAR or 7-Zip to extract. If a firmware file has been divided into multiple parts, use either program to combine into a single file.

Cherry Mobile Garnet V3 firmware
VCom Drivers
Drivers Auto Installer
Sp Flash Tools
Sp Flash Tools
After finish downloading all files put in one folder in desktop to easily navigate the files.

Installing Drivers

First thing first,Before you can flash/install rom in your phone you must secure first that your phone is detected in your PC.

If you using Window 7 OS
Connect your phone in PC using Micro USB Cable in turn-off mode and open Drivers Auto Installer and run the install-window batch file.Like shown in the image.
The drivers will automatically installed in your PC.

If You using  Window XP
Connect your phone in PC using Micro USB Cable in turn-off mode while pressing Volume Up or Volume Down.This will detect and look for the driver.
 1. This is the first time that you will connect your phone and it will search for the correct driver. 
2. Check include this location ... ... and click on browse. Look for USB VCOM Driver and Click on 2K_XP_COM folder if you are using Windows XP or Win7 for Windows 7 and then press OK when you are done picking the right folder for the driver..

3. If the driver is successfully installed MediaTek DA USB VCOM will appear in the New Hardware Wizard.

Flashing/Install new Firmware/Stock ROM

1.Open Sp Flash tool

2.Click Scatter-loading and browse for MT6572_Android_scatter
3.Now,Click Download and connect your phone while power off.
4.When successfully connected the progress bar will run and change it colors and wait until you dialog window saying Download Ok.

Some workarounds:
If you encounter PMT_Changed error here is what you do:
In Older Version of FlashTool
Load the scatter file
Click in Format (a new menu will popup)
Make sure that you select Format whole flash except bootloader then press OK
Connect your phone in bootmode (Turn off your device then hold Volume UP or VOLUME DOWN then insert USB)
It should detect your phone and continue to flash.
Then Click Download to fully flash your phone.
Hard Reset your phone after flashing.
In Latest version of Flashtool
Load the scatter file
Choose Format + Download (Underneath Scatter-loading file)
Then Click Download and wait until it is done flashing

For Invalid IMEI:
Your Phone/Tablet must be rooted first
Restore yong IMEI in MTKDroidTools version 2.5.3. You will have this error when you format your phone in Flashtool as I had experienced. To restore download MTKDroidTools version 2.5.3 After you extract the file. Open the green robot, you must enable the usb debugging in your phone. It is usually located in Settings>Devoloper Mode then look for usb debugging. After enabling it. Connect your phone in your computer then in MTKDroidTool click on ROOT. Wait for it to finish, then Click in IMEI/NVRAM, input 15 number in each box. Then click REPLACE. Then click Reboot or you can manually turn off your phone. Then turn your phone on again. You can see that you have fully restored your IMEI.

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Google Announced That Android 7 0 Will Officially be Known as Nougat

Google Announced That Android 7 0 Will Officially be Known as Nougat

Google Announced That Android 7.0 Will Officially be Known as Nougat

Google has announced the next version of its Android mobile operating system is Nougat. Android Nougat will be version 7.0. Nougat is the nickname of the new Android OS. Android 7.0 Nougat is the latest and the senior version of Android 6.0.1.

At Google I/O, the company announced that it would be taking suggestions for what to name its next mobile OS. To avoid a Boaty McBoatface issue, Google insisted that it would have the final say no matter what suggestion the Internet favored most.

Among the names posted on Google’s Android N website were Nachos, Naan, Nectar, Nut brittle, and more. But Nougat was the winner, joining Marshmallow, Lollipop, KitKat, Ice Cream Sandwich, and all the other sugary Android monikers.

Android Nougat promises to bring you a variety of “tastes” and features. Front and center will be the multi-window support. Also, Google is bringing a better Doze functionality.Then there’s the seamless auto-update, which allows the operating system to download Android core level updates in the background and install them when you restart.

Check out the video of the Android Nougat statue unveiling, then let us know what you think about the naming scheme.
You can now watch out for the OTA updates of Android 7.0 Nougat on your Android devices. If your Android phone is among the eligble devices, you should see the update soon.  I guess you know what to do next. ..
 This major Android versions follow alphabetical order?
Android 1.6. Donut.                             - D
Android 2.1. Eclair.                              - E
Android 2.2. Froyo.                              - F
Android 2.3. Gingerbread.                   - G
Android 3.0. Honeycomb.                    - H
Android 4.0. Ice Cream Sandwich.      - I
Android 4.1. Jelly Bean.                       - J
Android 4.4. KitKat.                             - K
Android 5.0. Lollipop.                          - L
Android 6.0. Marshmallow.                  - M and now
Android 7.0. Nougat.                             - N
Now can you please tell me below which alphabet will Android 8.0 be ..

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Installing new Roms

Installing new Roms

    Download ROMs.
    ROMs are provided in various forms:
    • Zip packages containing complete live filesystem.
    • Collection of .img files.
    • Flash tool .FTF files.
    Note:  Before installing new ROMS: 
                      Make Backup!! - View Post.  
                      Upgrade your baseband. - View Post.

      Installing Zip packages:
      1. Copy the zip file to your memory card.
      2. Boot into xrecovery.
      3. Select "install custom zip". 
      4. Browse to your zip file and select it.
      5. Then let Xrecovery do its work. ;-)
      6. Done!
      Note: Make sure that the zip files are made for Xrecovery. (zip files for cwm are different)

      Installing .img files:
      1. Copy the folder containing "System.img","Data.img" "cache.img"  "nandroid.md5" to /xrecovery/backup folder in sdcard. [Dont rename the folder!]
      2. In Xrecovery menu...goto "Backup and Restore".
      3. Select restore. Then select the folder to restore.
      4. Done. :) 
      Installing .FTF files - View Post.

        Available link for download

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        Winmax W800 Officeil Firmware 100 Tested

        Winmax W800 Officeil Firmware 100 Tested

        Winmax W800 Officeil Firmware 100% Tested

        Available link for download

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        Tutorial Flash Update Oppo Joy Plus R1011

        Tutorial Flash Update Oppo Joy Plus R1011

        Tutorial Flash Update Stock Rom Oppo Joy Plus R1011 Via Recovery Mode MicroSd. karena mengalami kendala seperti Aplikasi Error, hang logo, kesalahan rooting, aplikasi force close, lupa pola kunci atau atau lupa password bahkan hingga HardBrick mati total. dapat di lakukan Flash update firmware apabila handphone masih bisa masuk ke menu system recovery mode. terkadang masalah seperti ini juga bisa di atasi hanya dengan reset userdata dari recovery mode.

        • Berikut Persiapan yang harus disiapkan Sebelum Flash Oppo Joy Plus R1011
        1. Smartphone Oppo Joy Plus R1011
        2. Batre Harus terisi paling tidak 40-50 percent
        3. MicroSD/Memorycard
        4. Download disini Stock Rom Oppo Joy Plus R1011

        • Berikut Tutorial Flashing Update Oppo Joy Plus R1011
        1. Download dan Extrack Stock rom Oppo Joy Plus R1011
        2. Setelah selesai di download. Masukan file tesebut di Root microsd jangan di dalam folder
        3. copy di dalam memory card firmware .zip
        4. Matikan Android dan masukan memorycard yang berisi file .zip
        5. Masuk ke mode Recovery dengan cara : tekan dan tahan "Volume down + Power" beberapa detik. hingga muncul gambar tulisan bahasa
        6. Pilih bahasa english
        7. Pilih wipe userdata di recovery mode 
        8. Pilih wipe cache
        9. Pilih Install from sdcard dan arahkan ke file di dalam firmware .zip
        10. Terakhir pilih reboot

        Proses Update akan berjalan di android dan tunggu hingga selesai. kemudian pilih reboot untuk restart Oppo Joy Plus R1011 anda dengan Firmware yang baru 

        Available link for download

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        METHOD 1
        Step one:
        Prepare an SD card,
         it is recommended to use Sandisk, Kingstone, or Kingmax, size is recommended that more than 1G.
        Step Two:
        Formatting SD card (optional).
        Step three:
        copy a large package path UPDATA.APP to the SD card > dload >UPDATA.APP.
        Step four:
        Check the root directory of the SD card you dload UPDATA.APP.
        Step 5:
        SD card into the phone is switched on in the main screen, press the Menu key, the system updates -&  SD card upgrade -> confirm -> upgrade, backup data, select the backup data; upgrade.
        Step Six:
        The upgrade process progress bar shows after the finish of the pending progress bar, the phone automatically restart.

        METHOD 2

        Step one:
        Prepare an SD card,
         it is recommended to use Sandisk, Kingstone, or Kingmax, size is recommended that more than 1GB.

        Step Two:
        Formatting SD card (optional).

        Step three:
        copy a large package path UPDATA.APP to the SD card > dload >UPDATA.APP.

        Step four:
        Check the root directory of the SD card you dload UPDATA.APP.

        Step Four:
        Power Off phone, insert the SD card, while pressing the volume up button + volume down key switch button, the phone automatically enters the upgrade mode, and then begin the upgrade in Figure

        Step Five: After the progress bar to go full fixed, the phone will automatically restart If you do not manually remove the battery.

        METHOD 3

        SP FLAS TOOL
        Learn how to use it here

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        Hard Reset NOKIA Lumia 520

        Hard Reset NOKIA Lumia 520

        First method (Windows Phone 7):

        1. Power off your phone.
          Hard Reset NOKIA Lumia 520
        2. Then press and hold Volume Down + Camera key + Power button.
          HardReset NOKIA Lumia 520
        3. If you feel that phone vibrates, then release only Power button.
        4. When your phone reboots, then release the reset of holded keys.
        5. Done!

        Second method (Windows Phone 8):

        1. Switch off your handset.
          Hard Reset NOKIA Lumia 520
        2. Next press and hold Volume Down and connect your charger or USB cable with PC.
          Factory Reset NOKIA Lumia 520
        3. After 8 seconds you will see an exclamation mark.
        4. Now press this keys: Volume Up -> Volume Down -> Power button -> Volume Down.
        5. Then your phone will reset and reboots.
        6. Good job!

        Third method:

        1. Make sure, that your phone is on.
          Hard Reset NOKIA Lumia 520
        2. When you are in start screen, then scroll down to the bottom of the screen and press the arrow icon.
        3. Next go to Settings -> about phone -> reset your phone -> yes.
        4. Then wait to finish operation.
        5. Success!

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        10 Sexiest Female Video Game Characters You Should Know

        10 Sexiest Female Video Game Characters You Should Know

        barbara magrel 2013
        In this valentines day, you deserve to celebrate your valentines day with anyone you love. And the other ways to celebrate it, you can play any games together to spend your lovely moments. In this article were going to tell you 10 Sexiest Female Video Game Characters You Should Know, lets check it out:

        1. Lara Croft (Tomb Rider Series)

        The leading lady of the Tomb Raider series is the resounding number one, and for too many reasons to count. Throughout the series, she has grown as a character (and gotten a bit more realistically proportioned as well), and proved again and again why she should hold the title of sexiest female character in gaming. She is agile, extremely intelligent, and handles a gun with such finesse that it actually looks graceful, if thats possible. Oh, and she also looks okay too. With the upcoming reinvention of the series, Lara is getting another face lift, and not for the may be quite some time before anyone comes along who can challenge Lara for the top spot.

        2. Morrigan Aensland (Dark Stalker Series)

        Morrigan is a succubus fighter from the Dark Stalkers series (as well as Marvel vs. Capcom), and although she isnt exactly human, she still manages to land the number two spot on my list. Despite the fact that she has wings growing out of her back and head, she is still, in my humble opinion, the hottest of the hot in any fighting game. Period. Anyone who wishes to contest this is free to do so in the comments below, but it will take a well-written and lengthy argument to even begin to sway me on this one.

        3. Joanna Dark (Perfect Dark Series)

        Perfect Dark is a fantastic game, and only made better by the slice of heaven that is Joanna Dark. She is basically the female version of James Bond, but in much better attire. She embodies the word sexy with her spy skills, collection of gadgets, and a body suit that Im sure serves some greater purpose. And did I mention that she made the cover of FHM? I love the Dark!

        4. Samus Aran (Metrodi Series)

        For anyone who played the original Metroid, there wasnt a bigger surprise in gaming at the time than when you finished and found out that the protagonist that you had so skillfully guided along was in fact…*GASP*…a woman?!? Blasphemy! Oh wait, is she wearing a bikini? I guess its cool. It was pretty hot then, and as the series has developed and graphics have improved (it has come a long way from those 8-bit days), Samus has grown too. Anyone would be bad-ass in that suit, but the fact that it is a girl is so much better, dont you think?

        5. Tiffa Lockhart (Final Fantasy VII)

        Tifa is the butt-kicking childhood friend of Cloud Strife from arguably the best Final Fantasy game of the series who went about her business in a wife-beater and shorts, dominating her foes with ferocious abandon. Plus she owns a bar. Lets do the math: Attractive chick with a slight attitude that can fight, dresses in impossibly tight clothing, and can get you free drinks? Yes, please. Some may say that Aeris should be the one getting the nod here, but until she figures out that a full-length, frumpy dress (with shoulder pads) isnt going to cut it, she will remain number two.

        6. Dead or Alive Girls (Dead Or Alive Series)

        I dont even know if I have to explain this one. I mean, they made a couple of volleyball games with the female characters of the series that definitely didnt focus on a solid theme or great story (although the gameplay was actually pretty deep…or so I have been told), but rather the other…assets that the series is known for.

        7. Alyx Vance (Half Life 2)

        Gordon Freemans better half in the sequel to Half Life is not only sexy, but honestly one of the most well-done female characters in gaming to date. All joking and male chauvinism aside, her mannerisms lend well to the mood of the game, and if you didnt feel some connection to the character by the games end, you have no soul and a black void where your heart should be. Vance is funny, smart, and…oh yeah, pretty hot, too!

        8. Sophitia Alexandra (SoulCalibur Series)

        This is another choice that will probably draw some ire from fans of the series who would vote for either Ivy or perhaps Taki, but in my opinion Sophitia takes home the gold for sexiest SoulCalibur babe. Along with many of the ladies on the list, she also has practical attire for battling to the death. You remember that super-sexy sheet-thing that is supposed to be a dress? Apparently it just so happens to be great for deflecting incoming blows to the body if the sword/shield combo fails.

        9. Jill Valentine (Resident Evil Series)

        The Resident Evil series is known for its great gameplay and a little bit of gore here and there (I think there are some zombies too), but it has also managed to pack in some hotties as the series has progressed. Although there will probably be some contention here (Ada Wong, anyone?), I have to give the nod to Jill. She has that girl-next-door appeal, and how about the tube top with the skirt? Strangely, this apparel choice translated well onto the big screen. What a great outfit to hunt zombies in…right?

        10.Rayne (BloodRayne Series)

        In todays society, vampires are trendy. Unfortunately, as the world gets saturated with vamps who are less scary and more sparkly, the appeal goes away for some of us who remember that being a vampire used to be kind of bad-ass. Wouldnt it be nice if there were someone to set everyone straight? Someone female, and perhaps dressed impractically? Oh yeah, how about Rayne? Not only is this vampire-slayer extremely effective at her craft, but she manages to make it look super hot! Impressive…most impressive.

        via: cheactcc

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