Friday, September 2, 2016

Installing Xposed Installer On Sony Xperia Z1 Lollipop

Installing Xposed Installer On Sony Xperia Z1 Lollipop

Installing Xposed Installer On Sony Xperia Z1 (Lollipop)
AnyIndo - In this article we are going to share an article it is Installing Xposed Installer On Sony Xperia Z1 (Lollipop). We dont need to explain the definition and the function of Xposed installer because we have explained it already in another article. We are not going to repeat the explanation. 

If you read this article, it means you understand about its function and its definition. lets go the point of this article. Before you decide to install this xposed installer, dont forget to back up your data and file. You can back up it via PC or if you dont have any PC you can use CWM or TWRP.


    • Download all above

    • Install xperia installer apk

    • Install SElinux mode changer

    • Open SElinux mode changer and choose permessive

    • open xposed installer =>> framework, check app_proses and its xposedbridge it is still -- in the active column

    • Choose soft reboot

    • Go to recovery mode and install xposed framework, and the reboot

    • Open xposed installer =>> framework, check app_prosesand its xposedbridge filled with number in the active column. If it is filled, it means you have successfully installed framework

    • Done

    Thats all about Installing Xposed Installer On Sony Xperia Z1 (Lollipop). If you have any question related to this article you can leave comment bellow. If we are not busy, we will reply it as soon as possible.

    Xposed installer apk - Download
    SElinux Mode Changer - Download
    Xposedframework zip Download

    Available link for download