Monday, September 5, 2016

Rooting Oppo Yoyo R2001 Without PC

Rooting Oppo Yoyo R2001 Without PC

Rooting Oppo Yoyo R2001 Without PC
AnyIndo - In this article we are going to share an article it is Rooting Oppo Yoyo R2001 Without PC. If in another article we have shared article to root the other devices, in this chance we will help Oppo Yoyo users to root their smartphone without PC. Actually PC or Laptop isnt something new or strange, but some people still dont have it, thats the reason we create this article to help for those who dont have PC or Laptop.


Do it with your own risk.

All you do is your risk, and anyindo team has no any responsibility.

  • Install Key Root Master youve downloaded.

  • If it is installed, run the application.

  • If menu is opened, choose Start Rooting, wait until the application detects your smartphone.

  • After the application detects your smartphone there will appear a message that says Do you want to continue this process?, just choose Root.

  • Wait until rooting process is completed, if there is menu opened ROOT or CANCEL, choose cancel.

  • For rooting process, actually youve finished this process. If you want to check whether it is rooted already or not you can check it via Mobiluncle MTK Tools. There are many methods to check whether your smartphone rooted or not, we use Mobileuncle MTK Tools to make it easy.

Thats all about Rooting Oppo Yoyo R2001 Without PC. If you have any question related this article, you can leave comment bellow. If we are not busy we will reply it as soon as possible.


Key Root Master - Download
Mobile Uncle - Download
Root Explorer - Download

    Available link for download